
Concierge Program

Concierge Program FAQ for Dr. Condrell

1. When will the Concierge Program for Dr. Condrell begin?

The Concierge Program will begin on April 1st, 2025.

What is the cost of the Concierge Program?

The membership fee is $2,500 per year, which includes a complimentary membership for children aged 18 to 26 with one adult member.

3. Do I still need to pay a fee to see the Nurse Practitioners?

No, there is no additional fee to see the Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants.

4. What are the benefits of the Concierge Program?

  • Longer appointment times with Dr. Condrell
  • Same-day or next-day appointments with Dr. Condrell
  • Access to Dr. Condrell after hours via cell phone
  • Coordination and advocacy with specialists
  • Extended, comprehensive concierge consultations to review your health needs
  • Access to the Nurse Practitioners/Physician Assistants will still be accessible

5. If I choose not to join the membership, how will this affect me as a patient?

If you choose not to join the Concierge Program, your experience in our office will remain unchanged. You will still have access to our highly experienced Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants for your care.

6. What happens if I choose not to pay the $2,500 fee? Will I still be able to see Dr. Condrell?

Only those who sign up for the Concierge program will be able to see Dr. Condrell. However, Dr. Condrell works closely with the Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants, reviewing patient cases and providing oversight as the supervising physician.

7. Will I still be able to receive same-day or next-day appointments with the Nurse Practitioners if I don’t pay the concierge fee?

Yes, same-day or next-day appointments with our Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants are available without the membership fee.

8. How do I sign up for the Concierge Program?

To sign up, please contact Concierge Choice at (877) 888-5590 for assistance. Alternatively, if you're ready to join, you can fill out the membership form . Here

9. Are there any additional costs associated with the Concierge Program?

In addition to the annual membership fee, any medical treatments or procedures not covered by insurance may incur additional costs.